Thursday, February 25, 2010

Goings on

I've been a little quiet. I am busy though. The website is being redesigned so hopefully by the end of next week there will be a site that is more user friendly.
Also, I've been working towards some new images for this year's Exo Terra Nactus awards.
I am working towards some new portraits and if I can, some behavioural shots. I will be posting some images up as they are edited for you all to see.
So, lots going on, even though the site seems a little inactive.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Faux Furs

I had an enjoyable evening last night photographing local band 'The Faux Furs' at Annabel's Cabaret and Discotheque. Below are a few images from the gig, to see the full set head over to the Events gallery on my website.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Impulse buys are going to kill me. Well, technically speaking, Danni (my partner) is going to kill me because of my impulse buys, but it amounts to the same thing. I picked up a new baby American Grey Tree Frog today, we have named him (or her, it is too young to sex at the moment) Calcifer, after the fire spirit in Howl's Moving Castle. Anyway, I set up the studio for a few shots when I got him home.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The plan......

The plan, the plan. The plan is to use this blog to keep anybody that may be interested in my photography (there might be one or two of you out there) up to date with what I'm doing, where I'm going, and just my general musings on photography, art, the weather etc.

The likelihood is that this blog may get updated once a month if I remember. I'm attaching it to my website, so that it may aid my memory each week or so..... we shall see.